1852 Media Literary Agency

1852 Media has been helping authors since 2016. We are now using our legal backgrounds in a new way and are offering representation to authors for traditional publishing as well as all subsidiary rights, including but not limited to: audio, translation, and film/TV.

If you think you have a project or your backlist would be a good fit for our agency, please fill out our submission form below. Please allow six to eight weeks for a reply.

- Submit the first three chapters and a summary of the work you wish for us to consider. If you are requesting representation for your backlist, please submit three chapters of your most recent work or work that you believes most represents your writing style.

- Submit a full query letter.

1852 Media intends to proudly continue representing authors of all backgrounds and lift up stories across all romance genres. If we choose to pass on your work at this time, please consider re-submitting another piece in the future.

All submissions are confidential and are only shared with those working with our agency.

If the form does not appear below, please submit to query@1852media.com